“I never heard a man complain about circumcision”

There are over 30,000 on a Reddit channel about foreskin restoration (last checked February 21, 2022).  A book named “The Joy of Uncircumcising” exists.  There is a book by the name of “Unspeakable Mutilations” and a book by the name of “Circumcision Scar.”  There are stories from men at the following sites:

Articles have been published:

Men have posted images holding signs with #SinceIWasABoy, #IAMNOTTHANKFUL, #MENDOCOMPLAIN, #HisBodyHisChoice, #QuestionCircumcision, #i2 and #Circumcision

Sexual Partners Complain About Male Circumcision

Since men without a prepuce that covers their glans to keep it smooth and moist as well as provide some skin mobility, many sexual partners of these men have realized that things are not as good in the bedroom as they could be.

Male Celebrities Complain About Circumcision

Even though they may risk being canceled, male celebrities have spoken out about male circumcision.  Gary Shteyngart wrote this story that ended up in The New Yorker.

Intact (“uncircumcised”) Men Complain About Circumcision Too!

Intact men are burdened with the duty of explaining to people that the male prepuce is a good thing to have.  They also have to deal with body-shaming from people that have been conditioned or indoctrinated into believing that it is not.  Joe Rogan is an intact male celebrity that has spoken out.

Men Have Created Shows About Circumcision

Books Have Been Written by Men About Circumcision

Page last updated October 10, 2023