Unless you are prepared to consider that you or someone you love has been a party to religious faith, culture, and/or system that perpetuates sexual abuse, you are not prepared to enter this site to end sexual abuse. You or someone you love may have performed an act of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is pervasive. Not all is lost, though. Chances are extremely likely that you or that loved one was abused too. What is done to us as children, we are likely to repeat. There’s a very good chance that you will resist the information here. Cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome come up when sexual abuse is explored. You may even realize that you, yourself, are a victim of sexual abuse and did not know it. You are likely to think “it was what was best for me.” Sexual abuse is so common, some aspects are heavily accepted by the majority of the population. Sexual abuse is not unique to humans either. It’s also not only a physical act; it is perpetrated psychologically as well.
This site DOES contain explicit images, however, warnings will be provided before they are presented. It is still possible to read, listen, watch and view drawings of content on this site without having to view the explicit images.
This site is not suitable for minors without parental guidance.
Sexual abuse can be as slight (not that it can’t have devasting effects) as:
- Telling a child to not touch themselves
- Telling someone that something is wrong with them if they are attracted to the same sex
- Influencing a child to fit a sexual stereotype (wear certain clothes, certain colors, play with certain toys, use makeup and/or wear their hair a certain way)
- Shaming the appearance of one’s genitalia
It can also be as severe as
So, the big question: WHY? Why does sexual abuse persist?
Page last updated February 19, 2022